Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Liebster Award

Emily Fuhriman nominated my little blog for the Liebster Award.  It's going to be a bit difficult for me to complete due to the fact I've been blogging for a week and haven't had many followers :)

So here's the lowdown..."Now in the blogging world the Liebster Award is given out to more newer-ish blogs with 200 followers or less to help spread the word and support fellow bloggers.  Here are the rules":

1. We must post 11 random things about ourselves.
2. We must answer the questions the nominator set for me.
3. We must create 11 questions for the people we nominate.
4. We must choose 5-10 blogs that we love ( with less than 200 followers) and link them to my post and let them know they were nominated.
5. No tag backs.

11 Random Things

1.) I am a 5th generation Jackson, WY native, I love it there but wish most of the people would go back to where they are from.

2.) Louis and I said "I Do" last April at the Lander Courthouse in Lander, WY.   "Simplicity is key."

3.) I'm addicted to PINTEREST, there have the neatest things there.

4.) Annie Oakley is one of my heros. <3

5.) I grew up listening to Ian Tyson and was nicknamed "Magpie" by my parents. 

6.) Louis and I own snowmachines and go play every chance we get.

7.) I'm working on my Veterinary Technician degree through Penn Foster.

8.) Louis is from PA and we met when I worked at Teton Vet Clinic in Jackson, while trying to  determine the cause of death of a beloved Black Angus cow

9.)  We love to trap, its warmed up to 1 degree and we need to go check traps now but wanting the weather to warm up a smidge more :)

10.) I am a morning person as long as I have my cups of coffee.

11.) I love chocolate, any kind, any amount.

Questions for Nominees (asked by Emily):
1.  Favorite Horse, Dog or Cat
This is Margie and I as pups :) She lived to be 13 yrs old. 

2.  What was your first car/truck? Red.1994. Ford. Diesel. Singlecab. What more could you want? That was when I loved Fords :)

3.  Are you a neat freak or pack rat? Neat Freak
4.  What color are the tops on your favorite pair of boots?  Red
5.  Favorite Disney Cartoon  Tweety Bird
6.  What was your high school mascot? Broncs
7.  Favorite dinner meal? Beef steak, twice baked taters, fresh garden salad with ranch dressing, homemade rolls, apple squares and a glass of Moscato D'asti.
8.  What is the brand of your favorite pair of jeans?  Wranglers
9.  Sunrise or Sunset?  Sunrise
10. What picture is on the background of your computer right now?  

Questions for Nominees 
1.) Favorite past time
2.) Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall
3.) Favorite breakfast menu.
4.) What is the background noise at this very moment in time?
5.) Where did you meet your current boyfriend or hubby?  (If you don't have one, where did you meet your most recent one)
6.) Black or White
7.) Color of your eyes
8.) Where were you born?
9.) Where would you love to vacation if you had all the money to blow. 
10.) Least favorite fruit

These are the blogs I've nominated 
3.)Rambing Ranch Wife  I just started following this blog and love it already!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Morning Sunrise

Good Morning,
What a beautiful sunrise here this morning.  I rolled over and looked through the curtains and saw orange...I thought the neighbors place was on fire due to the crazy amount of color.  Once I woke up a little I could see it was just a beautiful sunrise and there was no fire at all.
I have traps to check more to put out today! Have a great day everybody!